Notícias 27, Aug, 2024

Ciência em acesso livre: docente da ESBE publica artigo científico "An Overview of Wound Dressing Materials"

A docente da Escola Superior de Biociências de Elvas do Politécnico de Portalegre, Tânia Salomé Dias Lagoa, é autora do artigo intitulado: "An Overview of Wound Dressing Materials". O trabalho incide na escolha da cobertura ideal para os diferentes tipos de feridas, salientando a importância do recurso aos biomateriais com ação cicatrizante e antimicrobiana e evitando o recurso aos antibióticos, uma problemática crescente nos dias de hoje:

“Wounds are an increasing global concern, mainly due to a sedentary lifestyle, frequently associated with the occidental way of life. The current prevalence of obesity in Western societies, leading to an increase in type II diabetes, and an elderly population, is also a key factor associated with the problem of wound healing. Therefore, it stands essential to find wound dressing systems that allow for reestablishing the skin integrity in the shortest possible time and with the lowest cost, avoiding further damage and promoting patients’ well-being. For each kind of wound and respective healing stage, there is a more suitable dressing. The aim of this review was to focus on the possible wound dressing management, aiming for a more adequate healing approach for each kind of wound.”

O artigo está disponível em acesso livre, em: Pharmaceuticals | Free Full-Text | An Overview of Wound Dressing Materials (